Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday's fun

Well, indeed, we had over 200 children come to play yesterday morning--and it went very well. After lunch, about 55 of them came back. Games, crafts, and laughter supported the time together. One of the sweetest moments of the day was observing a woman accept Christ--and that was by midmorning!

The construction team enjoyed working along side many Honduras men and enjoyed being in the same location as the chilren's activities in order to glance over and enjoy the silliness. Tim Probst commented that he marvels that the buillding is in the almost identical state as the building we had to leave unfinished two years ago. So, it's like getting to finish the other one. The construction team had very few tangles yesterday and, therefore, accomplished much.

One team went over to Case del Nino (orphanage) and enjoyed playing basketball and doing crafts with them. Queena, from Hillcrest and a former orphan child herself, got to share her testimony of God's grace to her life, which touched several of the boys.

The day ended with a time of worship together, which was envigorating!

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