Saturday, March 13, 2010

Saturday, Day 1: Honduras 2010

Those of us who have made this trip before are a little speechless over the incredible ease and speed in which today's trip was made! We had no problems navigating through the airport security, enjoyed very short layovers, and most AMAZINGLY went fast through customs!! What usually takes one day short of eternity (in the words of Caiti and Becky Cheary) took less than 30 minutes! AMAZING!! We were out of the airport, packed into our vans, and down the road by 1pm! If all of that were not amazing enough, we had no traffic problems on the road to LaCeiba. We zipped along! Fantastic trip.

We are currently at a meeting where John is encouraging us with scripture. God is promising to come reveal himself to this community where we will be building the new feeding center.

The rain that has been slowing the construction of the feeding center for the last few weeks, which is what we have been praying about. Well, the rain stopped and many fathers in the community volunteered their time this week...and now the project is ahead of schedule!

A new opportunity surfaced for us. We think we might have 200 kids with which to spend tomorrow morning. Thus, over pizza and salad at Pizza Hut tonight at supper, Teri Reed and her supporting elves have blazed forth a plan of attack in our activities and fun for tomorrow morning. :)

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