Wednesday, March 18, 2009


We arrived at Casa del Niño with the sun just beginning to warm the air. The boys greeted us from the balcony with huge smiles and a colorful banner. After getting a tour of the grounds, we split into groups to work. About 8 people worked indoors finishing the ceilings by putting up wooden planks. A few people started work on staining wood to be put up tomorrow. About 15 people worked outside washing, scraping, and then painting the front of the building with a warm yellow. The front of the building faces a busy street which stays bustling with people, cars, and cyclists. So, we feel like we are in the thick of the community as we work, and we really enjoy it.

After lunch, half of the group helped with VBS while the other half continued the various projects. VBS highlighted the fact that there is only one way to heaven and closed with the excitement of alka seltzer rockets. Of course, this was Teri Reed’s idea…and of course war broke out with the boys turning to shoot them at each other. She has a history of bringing out the wild side in these boys. Glad nothing has changed! J

The really neat part of the day is everyone’s willingness to work hard and work together. Fascinating to watch because rarely does anyone get to see 40+ people get along and work together with such ease. “We are all one body, we have the same Spirit, and we have all been called to the same glorious future” (Eph 4:6). This is evident.

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